OKR erfolgreich einführen!

Management und OKR

5 points why (classic) managers have such a hard time with OKR!

A few days ago a manager I have been coaching for a long time said to me: “OKR ist der letzte Schrei, wir brauchen es jetzt auch!” This led to an interesting discussion about the fact that OKR are very lightweight and can be used without a great deal of process overhead, but that even …

OKR doch nur MbO?

OKR only MbO? Or why Objectives and Key Results are an agile model after all.

I often hear that OKRs are nothing more than Management by Objectives (MbO) in a new “little coat”. And indeed, there is a connection between the two models. Andy Grove, former Intel CEO and OKR “inventor”, called OKR “iMbO” in the early days, which means “Intel Management by Objectives”. But that was almost 50 years …

Definition of OKR Key Results – Part 2 „The Bad“

In the first part of the series “Definition of OKR Key Results – The good, the bad and the ugly” you will learn which “good” key results you should apply when using the procedure model Objective and Key Results. Good Key Results are characterized by gradually measurable and changeable values, a direct influence of the …

The good, the bad and the ugly – Definition of good key results in the OKR framework

The agile strategy and planning framework “Objective and Key Results” (OKR) focuses very strongly on the measurable achievement of predefined goals. The measurability is achieved by 3-4 key results, each of is assigned to an objective. However, as simple as the process may seem at first, it is also easy for critical errors to creep …

Digitalisierung & Effizienz

Digitization: Stop being efficient!

Digitization and Industry 4.0 is on everyone’s lips and there is hardly a sector that is not at least partially affected by it or in whose boardroom it is not discussed. In many places, many see the challenges as merely in the technical conversion from “analogue” to “digital”. The real challenge, however, is much deeper, …

Avoid 5 typical errors when using OKR

OKR (Objective – Key Results) were “invented” by Andy Grove at Intel in the 70’s and took their triumph as an agile planning and management approach at Google. Some say that Google’s success is not due to their products but to the use of OKR and its radical focus! OKR are very lightweight in their …